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Term (Real Term) |
Organization | Grant Name | Research Title | Applicants | Amount (Thousand Yen) | |
1 | Fiscal Year of 2005 (Fiscal Year of 2006) |
Mazda Foundation | Mazda Grant-in-Aid | 付加情報の利用による認識率100%の実現−誤りのないパターン認識手法の理論と実践− | Masakazu Iwamura, Koichi Kise, Shinichiro Omachi, Seiichi Uchida | 1,000 |
2 | Fiscal Year of 2006 | Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) | 平成18年度 実用化のための可能性試験 | 情報埋め込みによる歪んだ形状の安定した復元 | Masakazu Iwamura, Koichi Kise, Shinichiro Omachi, Seiichi Uchida | 1,000 |
3 | Fiscal Year of 2007 (Fiscal Year of 2008) | Okawa Foundation | Okawa Award | 変量と不変量に基づく射影歪みの補正 | Masakazu Iwamura, Koichi Kise, Shinichiro Omachi, Seiichi Uchida | 1,000 |
4 | Fiscal Year of 2008 (Fiscal Year of 2009 - Fiscal Year of 2010) |
Support Center for Advanced Telecommunications Technology Research, General Incorporated Foundation (SCAT) | 平成20年度SCAT研究費助成 | 大規模物体認識のための近似最近傍探索の高速化・高精度化 | Masakazu Iwamura, Koichi Kise | 2,500 |
5 | Fiscal Year of 2009 | Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) | 平成21年度 シーズ発掘試験研究 | 点配置の一意性を利用した実時間カメラベース文字認識の認識率向上と高速化 | Masakazu Iwamura | 2,000 |
6 | Fiscal Year of 2010 | Osaka Prefecture University | 大阪府立大学大学院奨励特別研究費 | アイトラッカーを利用したユーザーフレンドリーな情景内単語認識システムの開発 | Masakazu Iwamura | 900 |
7 | Fiscal Year of 2010 (Fiscal Year of 2010 - Fiscal Year of 2012) |
Kayamori Foundation of Informational Science Advancement | Grant-in-Aid | 環境中の実時間日本語文字認識システムの試作 | Masakazu Iwamura | 1,200 |
8 | Fiscal Year of 2011 - Fiscal Year of 2012 | Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) | A-STEP FS Stage 探索タイプ | 近似最近傍探索の改良と単語辞書の導入による文字を利用した情報提示システムの利便性向上 | Masakazu Iwamura | 1,700 |
9 | Fiscal Year of 2012 - Fiscal Year of 2013 | Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) | A-STEP FS Stage 探索タイプ | 計算効率とメモリ効率に優れた類似データ検索手法の実現 | Masakazu Iwamura | 1,700 |
10 | Fiscal Year of 2016 - Fiscal Year of 2017 | KDDI Foundation | Research Grant Program | 最近傍部分空間探索の高速化と適用範囲の拡張 | Masakazu Iwamura | 2,760 |
11 | Fiscal Year of 2016 - Fiscal Year of 2018 | Support Center for Advanced Telecommunications Technology Research, General Incorporated Foundation (SCAT) | 平成27年度SCAT研究費助成 | 超高次元における最近傍データの高速探索 | Masakazu Iwamura | 2,500 |
12 | Fiscal Year of 2016 | Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) | マッチングプランナープログラム「企業ニーズ解決試験」 | 和英文混在環境における高速・高精度な文書画像検索 | Masakazu Iwamura | 1,700 |
13 | 1 year from December 2016 | Amazon | AWS Cloud Credits for Research | N/A (related to Deep Neural Networks) | Masakazu Iwamura | USD 30,000 |
14 | Fiscal Year of 2017 - Fiscal Year of 2018 | Okawa Foundation | Okawa Award | Accurate Recognition of Consecutive Images | Masakazu Iwamura | 1,000 |
15 | Fiscal Year of 2018 - Fiscal Year of 2019 | Tateisi Science and Technology Foundation | Grant-in-Aid (A) | 視覚障害者支援のための可視情報伝達技術の構築 | Masakazu Iwamura | 2,500 |
16 | Fiscal Year of 2018 - Fiscal Year of 2019 | Telecommunications Advancement Foundation | Grant-in-Aid | 視覚障害者の写真撮影支援システム | Masakazu Iwamura and Kazunori Minatani | 3,000 |
17 | Fiscal Year of 2019 - Fiscal Year of 2020 | Artificial Intelligence Research Promotion Foundation | Grant-in-Aid | 深層学習における学習の阻害による学習の促進 | Masakazu Iwamura | 500 |
18 | Fiscal Year of 2023 | I-O DATA Foundation | Grant-in-Aid | 特徴の共起に基づく手話言語の語彙の自動獲得 | Masakazu Iwamura, Katsufumi Inoue, Partha Pratim Roy | 2,500 |
19 | Fiscal Year of 2024 - Fiscal Year of 2026 | Support Center for Advanced Telecommunications Technology Research, General Incorporated Foundation (SCAT) | Grant-in-Aid | Training deep neural networks based on known text information | Masakazu Iwamura | 2,500 |
Term (Real Term) |
Organization | Grant Name | Research Title | Applicants | Amount Iwamura Receives / Total Amount (Thousand Yen) | |
1 | Fiscal Year of 2019 - Fiscal Year of 2021 | Research Institute of Science and Technology for Society (RISTEX), Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) | SOLVE for SDGs - Solution-Driven Co-creative R&D Program for SDGs, Scenario Creation Phase | Development of the 3D model production and dissemination ecosystem for blind and visually impaired people promoting co-creative assistance | Kazunori Minatani, Tetsuya Watanabe, and Masakazu Iwamura | 2,400 / 12,000 |
2 | Fiscal Year of 2021 - Fiscal Year of 2024 | Research Institute of Science and Technology for Society (RISTEX), Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) | SOLVE for SDGs - Solution-Driven Co-creative R&D Program for SDGs, Solution Creation Phase | Development and realization of a system to provide 3D models for the creation of "a society that everyone can obtain and touch what they want" | Kazunori Minatani, Tetsuya Watanabe, Masakazu Iwamura, Naomi Wake, and Akihiro Motoki | 9,500 / 69,000 (22,460 / 69,000 if the contract order fee of the Japan Braille Library is included) |
3 | Fiscal Year of 2024 - Fiscal Year of 2029 | Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) | Cutting-edge Research and Development on Information & Communication Sciences (CRONOS) | Evolving Literal Communication | Seiichi Uchida, Satoshi Shioiri, Koichi Kise, Koichi Kise, Yanai Keiji, Masakazu Iwamura, Xinru Zhu, Kazuhiro Okada | 16,000 / 168,000 |
4 | Fiscal Year of 2025 - Fiscal Year of 2027 | Canon Foundation | Research Grant Program "Science and Technology that Opens a Better Future - Aiming to Solve Social Issues for the Future" | Developing a stereoscopic camera that allows blind and sighted people to learn about and enjoy the world together | Kazunori Minatani, Masakazu Iwamura | 15,000 / 30,000 |
Fiscal year | |
1 | 2018 |
2 | 2019 |
3 | 2020 (Unable to do anything due to the influence of COVID-19) |
4 | 2022 |
5 | 2023 |
6 | 2024 |
Conference Name | Term | Venue | Paper Title or Research Title | Authors | Given by | Grant Name | Amount (Thousand Yen) | |
1 | The 15th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2000) | 2000.9.1 - 2000.9.10 | Barcelona, Spain | A Modification of Eigenvalues to Compensate Estimation Errors of Eigenvectors | Masakazu Iwamura, Shin'ichiro Omachi, and Hirotomo Aso | Telecommunications Advancement Foundation | 海外渡航助成 | 270 |
2 | Joint IAPR International Workshops on Syntactical and Structural Pattern Recognition and Statistical Pattern Recognition (S+SSPR2002) | 2002.8.6 - 2002.8.9 | Windsor, Ontario, Canada | A Method to Estimate the True Mahalanobis Distance from Eigenvectors of Sample Covariance Matrix | Masakazu Iwamura, Shinichiro Omachi, and Hirotomo Aso | International Information Science Foundation | 研究者海外派遣 | 220 |
3 | Document Recognition and Retrieval XVI | 2009.1.19 - 2009.1.25 | San Jose, CA, USA | Layout-Free Dewarping of Planar Document Images | Masakazu Iwamura, Ryo Niwa, Akira Horimatsu, Koichi Kise, Seiichi Uchida, and Shinichiro Omachi | Tateisi Science and Technology Foundation | 平成20年度後期 国際交流助成 | 200 |
4 | 2010.8.9 - 2010.10.31 | DFKI, Germany | 実時間情景内単語認識技術とアイトラッカーの融合による新しいユーザーインタフェースの創出 | Masakazu Iwamura | The Murata Science Fundation | 研究者海外派遣援助 | 250 |